Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)

The Nevada Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) brings policy makers, service providers, and parents together. It serves to support and assist with the ongoing development and implementation of quality statewide early intervention services for young children with disabilities and their families. Its members work to ensure that the supports and services offered to families are in line with their needs and maximize outcomes for children and families.

ICC Meeting Information

Who is on the ICC?

The IDEA determines who is on each state's ICC. Membership includes representatives from public or private providers of early intervention services, members of state agencies involved in the provision of, or payment for, early intervention services who have sufficient authority to engage in policy making, State Department of Education personnel responsible for preschool services to children with disabilities, Head Start, State Legislators, University or college system, child care, parents, and other members selected by the Governor. ICC members include parents of children with special needs. The parents on the ICC bring their real life experience to the table and those who provide the services provide expertise on how systems work and how to accomplish the tasks of the ICC. Working together as a team makes the ICC an asset in the planning and advocacy for a statewide coordinated and comprehensive system of services and supports in early intervention.

    The Governor appoints all members.

    To Apply for the ICC


    ICC members are appointed by the Governor. The application and information about the application process are available at: . You can search for vacancies on various Boards and Commissions on this website, at: The ICC is listed as "Early Intervention Interagency Coordination Council." 


      How can families become more involved?

      There are many ways that you and your family can get involved with Early Intervention Services beyond the services and support activities specifically designed for you.  Your early intervention programs may have a family support group or work with an organization that does.  This is a wonderful way to "give back" to the program.  When you are involved, you gain experience in communication and leadership and it helps you to get useful information and answers to questions you may have.  Actively participating and interacting with others, you can choose to make a difference in the lives of many young children with special needs and their families.  One voice can make a dramatic difference!

      ICC's Family Support Resource Subcommittee

      Nevada's Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) established a standing FAMILY SUPPORT RESOURCE SUBCOMMITTEE (FSRS) made up mostly of parents of young children with special needs. They support ICC activities and help ensure the ICC responds to issues important to families, strengthen and broaden family involvement at all policy and service levels, increase ICC communication with families, provide public awareness support, and identify and support efforts to improve early intervention services and programs within communities. If you are interested in volunteer activities, the FSRS can always use parents and others who have a passion for supporting early intervention.  Call 1-800-522-0066 or email

        Video Series: Supporting Families of Young Children in Leadership Roles

        The OSEP-funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance (TA) Center recently developed a series of videos (see the video link below) that provides testimonials and insights from family leaders who have experience becoming involved in the systems that provide services to their children under IDEA Part C and Part B Section 619.  The series uncovers the challenges that families of young children may face when beginning their journeys as leaders and advocates in these systems.

        IDEA State Advisory Panels (SAP) and State Interagency Coordinating Councils (SICC) Network

        Who this website is intended for:
        • State Advisory Panel (SAP) members | State Education Agency (SEA) staff
        • State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) members | Lead Agency (LA) staff
        • Individuals interested in learning about the purpose and functions of the SAP and SICC

        These panels and councils address the needs of students with disabilities in K-12 special education programs, early intervention programs, and preschool.

        What you will find within this website:
        This website contains tools and resources that will assist SAP/SICCs and SEA/LAs in implementing the State and Federal requirements for the SAP and SICC including membership, duties and state contacts.

        For more information:

        Phone:  1-800-522-0066
